Welcome To Noble Feathers Parrots

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Live and video calls available and we are also available for pickup and reservations

Congo African Grey Parrots and Jardine parrot For Sale

You can always rely on pet birds being happy and chirpy so there is never the sound of silence! Medical research has even shown that the company of pet birds can improve your well-being, boost morale, reduce the symptoms of depression and prompt social interaction.

About Noble Feathers Parrots

Why choose us

Our parrots can be entertaining and beautiful to look at. They are smart, can learn tricks, and provide companionship to its owner. 


At Noble Feathers Parrots, we take every measure to provide our parrots and their families with the very best life possible.

Stay Connected and Reserve with Us!

Live and video calls available and we are also available for pickup and reservations

Welcome To Noble Feathers Parrots

Congo African Grey Parrots and Jardine parrot For Sale

  • Parrots are attractive, intelligent and full of personality – that’s why they’ve been kept as pets for centuries.  Taking on a Parrot requires as much forethought as taking on a dog. Parrots are noisy, sometimes very noisy.
  • Have you neighbours who will object to a Jardine Parrot or a Grey greeting the dawn enthusiastically? Even smaller birds like Cockatiels can be noisy inside a house, And, if you are unfortunate and have a bird that that has developed a shrieking habit – you may have to rehome her.
  • Parrots need space. Obviously the larger the bird the more space it needs.  In my view many Parrots are housed in cages that are too small for their size. In Australia Budgerigars and Cockatiels fly vast distances; in captivity tiny cages are too often provided for them.

Get a closer look at our cute parrots

Secure shipping

Shipping birds can be made to be less stressful by  adhering to the rules and regulations of the shippers. 

Quick Delivery in 24h

Quick and safe delivery of our goods through our most trusted delivery services worldwide.

14 day return policy

We offers a 14-day return policy for customer satisfaction.

Online payment

Yes, we do receive online payments with what methods suit our customers.

Do You Have the Time?

Parrots are incredibly intelligent creatures and can rapidly get bored in captivity. What is more, most parrots are very sociable creatures and will be seen spending time together in the wild. This means that parrots require considerable personal time each week. 



The caring parrot owner should be ready and available to spend quality time with their bird every single day, and to provide a continually-rotating selection of toys to keep life interesting. Can you realistically afford 30-60 minutes every day to spend with your pet parrot?

Do You Have Insurance?

While a large budget may be necessary for day-to-day care, it is still not an alternative to pet insurance. While pet parrots often cannot be insured through traditional providers, a limited number of companies are willing to provide coverage for exotic pets like parrots. 

Do You Have the Budget?

Parrots are expensive to purchase, and their cages don’t come cheap either. More than this, a large bird eats plenty of food, destroys toys with ease and is likely to need specialist veterinary care. Parrot ownership is therefore not a hobby to consider unless you’re confident that you have suitable funds to cover every eventuality, and to ensure your bird the best possible care irrespective of cost.

Have You Considered Longevity?

Parrots have very long lives, and many of the more popular species may live for 50 years or more. This means that you need to think carefully about whether your parrot is likely to outlive you, and if so who will take care of them. Furthermore, even if your bird only 30 years or so, ask yourself honestly if you’ll still have the same level of passion for your pet in three decades’ time. If not, a parrot may not be the pet for you.

Happy Stories

“Thank you Noble Feathers Parrots for making our dream come true. We are very grateful. i want to encourage you to continue doing your good work.”

Kristen Moore


“Am sorry to say that i had some doubts from the beginning but i decided to give it a try. i was surprised when i saw your delivery van in front of my house. i want to say Thank You so much”

Joanna Foxx


“The parrot was delivered on time as promised. it was a birthday present for my grand daughter. she was so excited. i want to say thank you to the whole Noble Feathers Parrots team”

Felicity Trump


About Congo African grey parrots

Congo African grey parrots are highly intelligent and captivating birds that are prized for their exceptional talking ability and cognitive skills. With their striking grey plumage, white eye mask, and vibrant red tail (in the Congo African grey variety), these parrots are not only visually stunning but also incredibly engaging companions.

Known for their remarkable mimicry skills, African grey parrots can learn an extensive vocabulary and even use words and phrases in context, showcasing their impressive cognitive abilities. Their social nature makes them form strong bonds with their human companions, craving interaction and mental stimulation.

In the wild, African grey parrots feed on a variety of fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetation. In captivity, they require a balanced diet that includes high-quality pellets, fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional nuts to maintain their health and well-being.

With a long lifespan of up to 50-60 years or more in captivity, owning an African grey parrot is a significant commitment that requires time, effort, and resources. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these endangered birds from threats such as habitat loss and illegal trapping. Responsible ownership and ethical practices are essential to ensure the welfare of these intelligent and captivating companions.


Life Becomes Better With Birds

Use common sense and think before you buy. Parrots require quite a bit of time, attention, and care. You should carefully consider the ramifications of getting a bird before you bring one home. Never impulse buy a bird. These pets require more care and attention than a cat or dog.  They require a much more complex diet of fresh foods and they require more supervision. You’ll have a cage to clean, water to clean sometimes three times a day (if the bird is messy), and you’ll have to invest in toys since they are very intelligent and require outside stimulation to prevent neurotic behaviors like feather plucking and self-mutilation. Truly distressed birds will gouge themselves and even sometimes bleed to death.

About Jardine Parrot

The Jardine’s parrot, also known as the red-fronted parrot, is a medium-sized parrot species native to parts of Africa. They are named after the British explorer and naturalist Sir William Jardine. Jardine’s parrots are known for their striking appearance, with a bright red patch on their forehead, green plumage, and a yellowish-orange wash on their abdomen.

These parrots are highly intelligent and social birds, known for their playful and curious nature. They have a reputation for being good talkers, although their talking ability may not be as extensive as that of African grey parrots. Jardine’s parrots are capable of learning a variety of sounds and words, and they enjoy interacting with their human companions.

In the wild, Jardine’s parrots feed on a diet that includes fruits, seeds, nuts, and vegetation. In captivity, they require a balanced diet that consists of high-quality pellets, fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional nuts to ensure their nutritional needs are met.

Jardine’s parrots can live for several decades in captivity, with lifespans ranging from 30 to 50 years or more. Like all parrots, they require mental stimulation, social interaction, and proper care to thrive and lead a healthy life.

Conservation efforts are essential to protect Jardine’s parrots in the wild, as they face threats such as habitat loss and illegal trapping. Responsible ownership and ethical practices are important to ensure the well-being of these intelligent and captivating birds.

Contact Us NOW!

Noble Feathers Parrots is a family-run Model Aviculture Program (MAP) certified parrot breeder. Noble Feathers Parrots was established in 2015. Noble Feathers Parrots  now has over 50 employees with a network of people who all share a passion for the beautiful birds. We always welcome people who are passionate about parrots. We are also proud members of the American Federation of Aviculture.

Noble Feathers Parrots

At Noble Feathers Parrots, we understand that the safety and health of our birds and moms is our top priority. By adopting a virtual visit policy, we are able to provide a personalized and interactive experience while minimizing the risk of disease transmission. We believe that this approach not only supports the health and well-being of our birds and moms but also demonstrates our commitment to transparency and trust with our prospective parents and becomes a win-win situation for all.

Contact Us NOW!

Noble Feathers Parrots is a family-run Model Aviculture Program (MAP) certified parrot breeder. Noble Feathers Parrots was established in 2015. Noble Feathers Parrots  now has over 50 employees with a network of people who all share a passion for the beautiful birds. We always welcome people who are passionate about parrots. We are also proud members of the American Federation of Aviculture.